Super sale on hotel booking! Book any hotel on and get flat 15% off + 50% Viacash.
Limited Period offer on all Hotels! Hurry up!
How much can I save on hotel booking with Hotel65 offer?
You get the dual benefit of flat 15% off on any domestic hotel booking (no minimum room rate) + 50% Viacash points as cashback (2000 max).
Validity : 31st December 2015
Minimum Room Night : None
Stay Dates : Anytime
Here are some examples of how the offer works:
- If you book a hotel stay for 1 night for Rs. 2000 , you will get a flat 15% discount of Rs. 300 + 1000 ViaCash
- If you book a hotel stay for 2 nights for Rs.4000 (Rs.2000 for each night), you will get a flat 15% discount of Rs. 600 + 2000 (max) ViaCash.
- If you book a hotel stay for 3 nights for Rs. 9000 ( Rs. 3000 for each night), you will get a flat 15% discount of Rs.1350+ 2000 (max) ViaCash
- Search for any hotel on website or Via Android app.
- Enter coupon code HOTEL65 before making payment.
- The discount will be instantly deducted from the total amount payable.
- The ViaCash earned during the transaction will be credited to your Via account (calculated on the total amount)
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